Mushfik R.
Mushfik, well known as Mushi, joined Bangladesh Unbound in September 2016 as part of the Guide Team in Dhaka as a freelance. Later he has promoted a Tour Design Specialist. Professionally he is an Architect. He has his degree from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology. At the early stage of his career, he worked for British Council in Dhaka as IELTS Instructor for a few years. He also worked on some minor development projects for some real estate companies. Since his first trip to Sundarbans, he has developed a great passion for travelling and learning about new places. He travelled to many countries, including the UK and Canada, and visited many United States and Latin America locations. Mushi is always ready for new adventures and waiting for a recent trip! As a big fan of musicals, Mushi enjoys going to the theatre and watching movies of this type. He loves spending time with his family and making plans with friends to discover new places.